Ashaa Kirann Group

Director (Admin)'s Message

I welcome you to the Ashaakirann Group Of Institutions.

Both BSMT Bhubaneswar School Of Management and Technology (BSMT Odisha) and Indian Institute Of Management and Science (IIMS Odisha), set up in the year 2022 and 2017 respectively as a state-enacted private institute to impart quality education, professional expertise, and research acumen to students and scholars from different parts of the country, has been making steady progress.

The institute is fully committed to working to building up a resource base for producing excellent professionals equipped with state-of-the-art knowledge, understanding, and confidence to be at par with the best minds in the world to work for the development of the country. To achieve this end, the institute has been very particular in roping in the best faculties who have done us proud with their commitment and dedication to teaching and research. Our students too along with their teachers have been contributing immensely towards making this university a center of excellence.

I welcome the BSMT’ans & IIMS’ans and wish that their stay on the campus would be a valuable experience for them to be proud of.

Smt. Purnima Pattanaik

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